Home > Mens Health > Secret Behind the New VigRX Plus

Secret Behind the New VigRX Plus

Before the introduction of VigRX Plus in 2000, there has been an earlier version of the supplement in use. It’s simply known as VigRX. It’s actually a popular male enhancement pill that boosts sexual performance in men. The new VigRX Plus is simply the second generation of the former VigRX. Albion Medical remains the well known firm that produces the male enhancement products. The firm only improved the former product and re-packaged it with the name “VigRX Plus”.

vigrx plus

Actually, there is great improvement made to the new VigRX Plus. Three extra powerful ingredients were added to it. They include Bioperine, Tribulus Terrestris and Damiana. Bioperine increases the absorption of nutrients in the male system. Tribulus Terrestris   increases testosterone levels and also rejuvenates weak bodies. Damiana improves sexual stamina. It also enhances longer erection and intensifies orgasms.

Apart from these 3 herbs, all other ingredients found in the former VigRX are still found in the new formula. The new VigRX Plus comes with a formulation of several aphrodisiacs and ancient herbs which are found in Asian countries, South America and Europe. Among them include Epimedium, Asian Red Ginseng, Saw Palmetto, Hawthorn Berry, Ginkgo Biloba, Cuscuta, Muira Pauma, and Catuaba Bark. All these powerful herbs are also used in producing the older VigRX. The new VigRX Plus has all of them in higher percentages together with the addition of the extra 3 herbal ingredients already mentioned above. They actually make   the new VigRX Plus more powerful than the older version.

Indeed, the new VigRX Plus is known for generating tremendous results when used according to instructions. VigRX Plus overall results that come with the supplements:


VigRX Plus Results                                                                                                               

  • It  increases  the size of your penis
  • It ensures intense orgasm
  • It increases blood circulation to the penis
  • It makes you virile as a man
  • It’s a cure to premature ejaculation
  • It  helps you to have firm and long lasting erections on demand
  • It  increases  your penis in length and girth
  • It boosts your sexual stamina
  • It boosts libido or sexual drive

Above all, VigRX Plus enhances your overall sexual performance. It’s indeed a one-stop solution to all male sexual problems. To enjoy all the benefits listed above, you have to use the supplement according to the given instruction. In most cases, you’re expected to take it twice daily.

Meanwhile, many men are worried about possible side effects that may come when the VigRX Plus is used. The good news is that, no side effect has been recorded ever since the introduction of the product. Several men have continued to use the product without suffering side effects. This is mainly because of the quality natural and herbal ingredients used in producing it. Several VigRX Plus reviews have continued to be written by many users of the supplement. You can always know more about the product when you study such reviews. Your sexual life will always be in top gear when you use VigRX Plus on daily basis. Why not purchase it today?

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